The Parkview Cluster Foundation celebrated their Grant Delivery Day by delivering checks totaling nearly $6,000 to 11 different teachers at each of the six cluster schools. The Parkview Cluster Foundation raises funds to enrich the lives of students through such purchases as new science microscopes, Breakout Boxes, Spanish online subscriptions, Aquaponics gardens, online Social Studies curriculum, guest speakers for middle school health classes and ukuleles.
Members of the Foundation board visited each school with balloons and a giant check to give the students the opportunity to learn what the Foundation does and how it affects them in their classroom. In this photo, from left are Lori Reeves of Camp Creek Elementary, who won one of the grants; Foundation President David Will, Grant Selection Committee Member Wendy Smith; and Camp Creek Principal Valerie Robinett.
Others getting grant include Treva Bibbs-Bugg and Kate Heler, Parkview; Jeff Schaefer and Susan Moody, Trickum; Anna Daniel and Jennifer Trice Haynes, Camp Creek; Christine Christopher and Jennifer Brown, Knight; Kathy Herrin, Mountain Park; and Angela Curtis-Wolf, Arcado.