Cooper Elementary School

Become a Cooper ES Playground Partner!

At Cooper Elementary, we know that empathy is key to our understanding of others and to creating a powerful sense of belonging. Empathy is a gateway to equity – ensuring that every child has what they need to reach their full potential. Effectiveness is our ability to achieve the results we desire. Equity and effectiveness form the bridge from empathy to Excellence. Our school demonstrates excellence in our work and ensures that each and every child is connected and engaged. We strive for the best and to be the best for our students. One of the ways that we desire to provide each and every student with the opportunity to grow and develop is missing at Cooper ES. That missing piece is a playground for our special education students. Our hope is that we can raise as much money as we can as we partner with Builder’s Insurance. Builder’s Insurance is one of our business partners and they want to support us in this project. This playground will allow all our students with mobility needs, a safe place to run and play. We know that equal access and providing children with the opportunity to play is crucial in their development. We are currently seeking donations for this project. Any amount is welcome. We would like to start this project as soon as possible so our students can learn, play, and have fun this spring. Our plan is to begin construction in March with an opening of April 8th.

*Note: Please indicate if you are a Builders Employee, Builders Strategic Partner, Builders Vendor or Builders Other in the  Additional Comments box next to the Gift Designation, which says Cooper Elementary School.